Yes, even an organizer can be disorganized at times.  But then an event, or guests arriving, or holiday decorating moves me to practice what I preach.  I just brought in my Spring decor and have two bins so full the lids barely close.  As I unwrapped the fragile items I noticed some look a little worn, little tired, not as elegant, kind of corny, and I used my tip:  Does it bring me joy?  I sorted as I unpacked.  House looks great and although I still may need two bins when I store them, at least the lids will close tight.

I also sorted through the seemingly hundreds of stemware I have.  Why so many?  I must have had a party at one point, but now I could open a tasting room with all these wine glasses.  Some were freebies, some gifts, some I bought, but I surely don’t need them all.  I kept my favorites, have one bin stored for back-ups (they do break now and then) and the rest?  Cheers to the thrift store.

Then there is that box of greeting cards.  Not the ones to send but the ones I’ve received.  During the Olympics I sorted through them all.  I am limited to one and only one pretty box of memory cards.  I kept a few from each year (especially the ones my dearly beloved gave me) and some from those special birthdays, 40, 50… and the rest had to go.  My pretty box is comfortably full of the most joyous memories and I won the gold medal for the Recycle Event.

Small steps, a process, a relief, freeing, satisfied.