It should be just cash and…

Two credit cards.  Yep that’s it.  Choose the one with the best rewards or lowest interest rate and keep the others at home in a lockbox.  Photocopy cards, front and back, storing the copy in your lockbox.

Consolidate store loyalty cards, coupons, and other people’s business cards by downloading apps, like CamCard, Keyring or Grocery Pal.

Refuse receipts from grocery stores, delis and coffee shops.  Throw out any in your wallet right now!  Planning on returning an item?  Keep those receipts in a folder, or tape them to the return. When offered an email receipt, accept the offer, then set up an email account just for receipts to protect your main email address from mailing lists.

Even though your wallet has a compartment for coins… use it for emergency items like band-aids, safety pins, earring backs.  Drop loose change into your pocket and use it that day.  If not, it goes into the change jar when you get home.

Never carry your Social Security card.  This belongs in your lockbox away from identity thieves.

Toss old lottery tickets, casino vouchers, to-do notes, shopping lists and scraps with phone numbers… need I say more?  Your handbag is now lighter and your back pocket won’t slouch.